steel mace tyre workout

Steel Mace, Sledgehammer & Tyre Workout

I must confess… Today, I really couldn’t be f#*ked to workout. But, strangely enough… it’s on those days I end up having the best workout.🤷‍♂️ Some days you just gotta get started… and then let the endorphins take over. Here’s the workout; 50 seconds work, 10 seconds rest 1. Mill tyre slams (each side): 6KG…

Steel Mace 5 Movement Flow

Following on from my last few videos, here is the top switch transition within a basic 5-movement flow. The exercises are as follows; Single Hand 360 Switch Squat Lateral Lunge (with a top switch) Single Hand 360 Reverse Lunge This steel mace flow can be done for sets or time. Give it a go! ⚔️⚔️ Dan Clay